Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Two Favorite Games

I did not grow up playing many games but the two of the ones that I did play were WinX Club PC game and Wii Sports Resort (table tennis and wakeboarding especially).

WinX Club PC 

This game had lots of levels and moderately difficult tasks that I surprisingly struggled to pass at first - which sparked my interest for the game even further. The woven storyline of all the characters made the game engaging and interesting to play.



Wii Sports + Resort edition 

Most Wii games require you to play with one or more people or an algorithmic opponent (which sometimes was more fun to compete against because they're that good) resulting in a raised competitive edge. Both table tennis and wakeboarding were challenging sports due to the difficulty of mastering the controller for it to perform the maneuvers you wanted it to; however, I was the only one who spent extra time "training" with it so I defended my winners title when I got a chance.


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